Committees of Protection, Correspondence and Safety
of the various States
United under and by
Constitution for the United States of America

updated April 13, 2012


Oath of Secrecy

 Wee the Subscribers do swear on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God that we will not devulge or make known to any Person or Persons whomsoever (except to a Member or Members of this Board) the Name of any Member of this Committee giving his Vote upon any Controverted matter which may be debated or determined in Committee, or the arguments used by such Person or Persons upon such Controverted Subject, and all other such matters as shall be given hereafter in Charge by the Chairman of this Committee to Members to be kept secret under the sanction of this Oath, untill discharged therefrom by this Committee or a Majority of the subscribers or the Survivors of them, or unless when called upon as a Witness in a Court of Justice


[from: Minutes of the Albany Committee of Correspondence, Volume I,   1775-1778]



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