The New Jersey Committee of Safety
324 Atsion Road
Shamong, New Jersey 08088
voice (609)  654-8326

e-mail contact:

August, 2001

Dear Mayor and Township Committee Person,

As you may be aware the National Parks Service is proposing to establish a "Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area" in New Jersey. The area is purposely left undefined and could take in most of the state. Why? Because Revolutionary engagements were fought from Salem County to Bergen County, from Monmouth County to Mercer (then Burlington) County. Some people believe that the NHA is limited to the Trenton and Monmouth battlegrounds but that is not the case. But don’t take our word for it. Try to get a map of the proposed National Heritage Area from the National Park Service; they will not provide it!

Though the National Heritage Area is being presented as something warm, fuzzy and American, NHA designation could require conditions leading to

Federal top-down land use controls over municipalities and parts of every county

Devaluation of private property as regulations are enforced

Breakdown of traditional political boundaries

Transfer of power from state and local elected representatives to unaccountable, federally appointed bureaucrats such as a Crossroads "keeper", similar to Delaware River and Hudson River "keepers"

When New Jersey created the federal government, we delegated it few powers that were explicitly defined. Furthermore, we retained all powers not delegated. The power to create vague "national heritage areas" (which have the potential to enmesh our state in a federal web) is not one of the delegated powers. In that light we have enclosed a videotape for your information, and a resolution that may help to preserve local control and freedom in the Garden State. Perhaps you will consider the resolution favorably.

Very truly yours,

For the New Jersey Committee of Safety,

Ida Anderson
324 Atsion Rd.
Shamong, NJ 08008
(609) 654-8326

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